Friday, December 20, 2013

Intro/Liam's 8 Month Update/Modified CIT Method that works

Hi so I am going to be using this blog that I started years ago and never did anything with. I am a new mommy to Liam (8 months) and I'm mainly going to be talking baby stuff. I really did my research while I was pregnant and I am constantly reading and searching for new information everyday. I am also learning from experience everyday.

Im a stay at home mommy so I am basically with my baby 24/7. I transitioned Liam to this schedule just after he turned 7 months and he's been doing amazing with it! This is what our current day "schedule" looks like (approxamate)

7am -Wake

9:30 - Breakfast (Oatmeal, breastmilk, fruit and veggie puree, cinnamon)

10:00 to 11:00 - Nap

1:30 Lunch (Mashed banana, breastmill, oatmeal)

2:00 to 3:00 - Nap

5:00 - Dinner (Combo of 3 veggie puree)

6:00 - Bath

7:00 Nurse, Sleep

He has been so happy during the days since he's gotten the hang of napping in his crib and taking a morning nap and an afternoon nap! I only do homemade baby food. This is my go to website for all of my information. Now that Liam is 8 months I plan to introduce some new foods. I am definitely going to introduce organic plain yogurt as well as some new fruits and veggies. I also ordered him some organic "puffs" for his stocking which I am also going to let him try. I will update on how he does with the new foods.

Modified CIT - My method

I know CIT is a controversial subject, but it was time for me to do something. When Liam was around 6 weeks I tried to get him on a day time schedule. He was basically staying up all day and extremely cranky. I started reading online and I read somewhere that at his age babies shouldn't be awake for longer than 1.5 hours at a time. I paid attention to this and realized that this is when he would start to get fussy. So every 1.5 hours I would rock him to sleep, put him down, he would sleep for exactly 30 minutes and then he'd be up. I tried everything to get him to sleep longer (swaddle, dark room, white noise, you name it) and I could never get him to sleep for longer than 30. So he would take about 4 of these little "cat naps" a day and I followed an "eat, play, sleep" schedule with him. It kept him happy but was a huge pain in the butt, pretty much impossible to go anywhere. Eventually we discovered the swing. We would put him in there in front of a cartoon and he would be out in minutes. Much easier then rocking him to sleep every hour and a half. As time went on he eventually starting going longer in between naps and I knew it was time. I did my reading and talked to my mommy friends and I decided to make the commitment. I fed him his breakfast and put him down 3 hours after waking for the day. I gave him his paci, his sleep bear, turned on his fan, kissed him and said have a good nap.

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